Appliance Cleaning and Maintenance: What to expect

Most households in the United States own at least one appliance. Whether you have a dishwasher, clothes dryer, or stove, having them well-maintained is extremely important in order to keep your household running smoothly and safely. Your appliances should be serviced when they are new, but you also need to clean them regularly in order to avoid dirt buildup which could pose health hazards when cooking and/or breathing in allergens that collect in the ventilation system.

* Top tip: Read your appliance’s manual! If your dishwasher has a filter, this needs to be cleaned every month. Similarly with the lint trap on your clothes dryer.

* Top tip: Don’t forget to check how frequently your appliance’s air vents need to be cleaned. Most appliances that work with combustion, such as the stove and oven, carry a risk of fire or explosion if their air vents are clogged or full of dirt.

Here we cover some basic tips for cleaning and maintaining each type of major appliance. Please note we’re not including smaller appliances like blenders and mixers in this article! We can provide you with further info about these products upon request.

Appliance Cleaning and Maintenance: Dishwashers

For most people having a dishwasher is pretty low-maintenance compared to washing dishes by hand; there are still a few things to keep in mind however.

* Top tip: Rinse your dishes before putting them in the dishwasher. This will remove any food particles and therefore reduce the amount of work your dishwasher has to do, saving you money on water and electricity bills!

* Top tip: To protect your dishwasher from damage, don’t let it run empty – this can result in a buildup of dirt that may cause problems for the machine over time. Instead always use a rinse aid which is specially designed for cleaning glasses, plates and cutlery. It can even help you save water too!

Clothes dryers are an excellent way to dry your clothes without having to use a public laundry service, but they are very high-energy appliances. to check your appliance visit your appliance repair near me store today!It is therefore important that you clean out the lint trap after every cycle. If it is blocked with excess material, this can cause problems with ventilation and could even pose a fire hazard.

* Top tip: Clean the lint filter before running another cycle! This will reduce your energy bills by helping to circulate air smoothly through the machine during use.

* Top tip: Run an empty cycle every month or two using white distilled vinegar instead of fabric softener in order to remove any dirt buildup inside the drum which may damage clothing over time. White vinegar is gentle enough that most fabrics wont be affected by its use. learn more from