Common causes of car vibrations

These vibrations can be caused by a variety of different things in the car. It is important to identify the cause of the vibration in order to proceed with the appropriate course of action. Some possible causes for vibrations in your car are:

-Loose parts in the suspension system

-Wheel balancing issues

-A bent or damaged rotor or drum

-Rocker arm or ball joint problems

-An unbalanced tire

-Towing exceeding GVWR capacity

How Often Should You Get an Alignment?

Getting your car aligned regularly will help to prevent any further damage. Plus, it ensures that you are getting the most out of your tires, keeping them in good condition and keeping you safer on the road. The average recommended time between alignments is every 10,000 miles or about once a year. If you drive on roads with potholes or unpaved roads frequently, it is recommended that you have your vehicle’s alignment checked more often.

An alignment is when your car’s suspension system is inspected to make sure it is working properly. Having your car’s alignment checked regularly will help prevent any further damage to the suspension system. It can also ensure that you are getting the most out of your tires, keeping them in good condition, and keeping you safer on the road. The average recommended time between alignments is every 10,000 miles or about once a year. If you drive on roads with potholes or unpaved roads frequently, it is recommended that you have your vehicle’s alignment checked more often.

An alignment is extremely important as it can ensure that the steering wheel operates as smoothly as possible. It also ensures that the car drives straight and does not drift from left to right while driving down the road. This will help prevent any further damage to other components in your suspension system and helps keep you safer on the road by ensuring your tires are wearing evenly and providing a smooth ride for yourself and any passengers inside of the vehicle.

How Often Should You Change Your Spark Plugs?

Spark plugs need to be changed when they are worn down or when the spark plug wires are no longer working properly due to age. Hybrids should have their spark plugs changed much more frequently than standard vehicles to ensure the car runs as efficiently as possible. Other things that could cause a misfire include: dirty or worn ignition coils, bad fuel injectors, and faulty fuel pump.

How Often Should You Rotate Your Tires?

You should rotate your tires every 5,000 miles or when recommended by the vehicle manufacturer. Having your tires rotated will help ensure they wear evenly and provide you with better gas mileage and a smoother ride.

People are always trying to make their vehicles last longer. While doing things like these rotating your tires and changing your oil are good for both standard and hybrid vehicles, others are not as helpful in prolonging the life of your vehicle. As with most things in life there are some that need done more often than others, and how frequently you should have your car serviced depends on the type of vehicle that you have. Learn more from