Do it yourself or hire a professional?

When roof leaks are found, roof repair is easy to do with the right tools and materials. If roof repairs can’t be done right away, roof replacement might be the next best solution to the problem. If roof repair is too expensive for you, roof replacement might be cheaper and just as effective. Roofs should always be checked for damage before it gets worse which can lead to costly repairs.

If roof repair is too much for you to handle, ask a roofer to help you. They can assist with roof repair and might be able to find the roof leak that you couldn’t. If you have roof leaks in multiple places, roof repair will likely not be enough. In that case, it would probably be best to look into roof replacement. If roof repair is too expensive for you, roof replacement might be cheaper and just as effective. Roofs should always be checked for damage before it gets worse which can lead to costly repairs.

If you suspect your roof may be leaking, the first thing to do is check if there are any wet spots in your ceilings or walls. Check around the edges of your roof for any broken or missing shingles. Also look at the underlayment layer for any damage. If it is in bad shape, you might have to replace the entire roof.

If you need roof repair and don’t want to go through replacing all those shingles, then read on as we show you how easy some simple roof repairs can be!

Before beginning, make sure that everyone in your home evacuates because working on a roof can be dangerous – even if you’re just nailing some new shingles! You’ll also need a roofing nail gun – roofers normally use roofing nail guns that connect to an air compressor but you can also buy a roofing nail gun and an “air injector” adapter so you don’t have to rent one. The roof repair kits we bought included these two tools and all the nails and shingles we needed.

We began by removing the old shingles where we planned on putting in our new ones. You’ll need to make sure you remove enough of the previous shingle material because some roof styles require at least half of the existing shingle’s width to be left when replacing it with a new one.

Also, if your roof is not draining properly, this may be due to debris clogging up your downspouts. You’ll need to clear them out before they cause problems.

Once you have removed some roof shingles, pitch the roof so it is lower than your roof edge – this will ensure that water flows away from your roof and not towards it. Now is also a good time to check if any nails need replacing or any of the roof jacks are damaged as well since now you’ve got an unobstructed view!

Since we were only doing one section of roof repair, we decided to nail our new shingles back on at an angle (a bird’s mouth cut) instead of straight across like most roofers do. We chose this method because we didn’t want to end up with two rows of roof jacks… but we’re roofers too, so this isn’t just a lack of knowledge. It was more of an experiment than anything else.

We were surprised that the roof didn’t take long to finish at all, just over one day. And we hope it stays that way for years to come! We also apologize for not taking before pictures… but believe us when we say it looked like crap!

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