What is the purpose of the back purge gas for stainless steel?

There are many purposes to back purging for stainless steel. Purpose #1) Protection against rust to prevent corrosion. Purpose #2) Gas permeation–nitrogen helps remove moisture, which can cause corrosion when in contact with the metal surface. This explains why back purge is good for food containers or tanks that have water constantly being in contact […]

Tips for Eliminating Back Purge in Stainless Steel Pipe Welding

I had a back purge happen while welding on a stainless steel pipe that I was trying to weld vertically. It caused me to lose my back purge gas shield, which was not good for me. I did some research online and found out that back purge is caused by too much backpressure. It can […]

Back-purging Techniques.

Two normal strategies are utilized to back purge a line root-pass weld zone. Cleansing the whole volume of a long line run is frequently proposed. Tables have been distributed concerning cleanse times for different line breadths and lengths of line run.  Nearby purging of the quick volume around the weld zone is an elective strategy […]

Here are Welding Techniques.

The purging and welding of a channeling joint for the most part includes six activities.  1.Preparation of line closes 2. Establishment of cleanse dams 3. Fit-up of line areas 4. Cleanse pipe weld zone 5. Tack weld pipe areas 6. Conclusion welding. Arrangement of the line closes is viewed as a vital stage in this […]