What are the different methods used for cutting keys?

Key cutting is an essential service that allows us to obtain accurate duplicates or replacements for our keys. However, many people are unaware of the various methods used to cut keys. Understanding these methods can help you make informed decisions when seeking key cutting services. In this article, we will explore the different methods commonly employed for cutting key, highlighting their advantages, disadvantages, and the scenarios in which they are most suitable.

Manual Key Cutting:

Manual key cutting is a traditional method performed by skilled locksmiths using manual key-cutting machines. This method involves carefully shaping the key by hand, cutting each groove and depth according to the original key or specific key code. Manual key cutting requires precision and expertise to ensure an accurate duplicate or replacement key. It is a versatile method that can handle a wide range of key types, including standard and basic key designs.

Punch Key Cutting:

Punch key cutting is another method used for cutting keys, often employed for simpler and less intricate key designs. This method involves punching holes in a metal key blank to match the depths and positions of the original key. Punch key cutting machines are typically used for duplicating basic keys such as house key, padlock key, or some automotive key. While punch key cutting offers a quick and cost-effective solution, it may not be suitable for keys with complex grooves or advanced security features.

Laser Key Cutting:

Laser key cutting is a highly precise and technologically advanced method used for cutting keys. It involves using laser-guided machines to create intricate key designs with utmost accuracy. Laser key cutting machines are computer-controlled and can cut keys based on digital codes or templates. This method is commonly used for high-security keys, electronic keys, and transponder keys. Laser key cutting ensures precise cuts and can replicate complex keyway configurations, making it suitable for a wide range of key types.

CNC Key Cutting:

Computer Numerical Control (CNC) key cutting is a modern method that combines advanced computer technology with key cutting machinery. CNC machines use computer programs to control the key cutting process, allowing for exceptional accuracy and customization. This method is particularly effective for cutting keys with complex designs, specialized profiles, or unique keyways. CNC key cutting is commonly used for high-security key, restricted key, and key that require intricate shaping and precise calibration.

Duplicating Machine Key Cutting:

Duplicating machine key cutting is a widely used method that involves creating copies of existing keys.  This method is suitable for duplicating basic keys and can be found in many hardware stores or key cutting kiosks. While duplicating machine key cutting is convenient and accessible, it may not be suitable for keys with advanced security features or complex keyway configurations.


Key cutting is a crucial service that allows us to obtain accurate duplicates or replacements for our key. Understanding the different methods used for cutting keys can help you choose the most appropriate approach for your specific needs. Whether it’s manual key cutting for basic key designs, punch key cutting for simpler key, laser key cutting for high-security keys, CNC key cutting for complex key profiles, or duplicating machine key cutting for basic key duplication, each method offers its own advantages and considerations. When seeking key cutting services, consult with a professional locksmith or key cutting near me specialist who can guide you towards the most suitable method based on your key type and requirements.